Siapa pernah dengar meniaga di Shopee LIVE? Sounds terrible kan macam banyak je benda yang susah or mesti susah dapat customer and so on. But, the fact is WRONG. Berniaga dekat shopee LIVE ini lebih menguntungkan daripada standard selling dekat kedai atau just listed dalam shopee.
Kenapa? sebabnya saya adalah salah seorang yang pernah menjual aka meniaga di dalam shopee LIVE dan jujur saya katakan bahawa meniaga di Shopee LIVE ini lebih menguntungkan namun standard business mesti lah high risk high return. Why? Baca posting saya sehingga tamat okay!
Meniaga di Shopee LIVE tidak perlu membayar sewa tempat/kedai yang dimana lebih menjimatkan. seringkali kita lihat banyak seller yang gemar membuka atau menyewa kedai lot untuk menjual pakaian seperti kedai bundle & so on. Yes benda itu memang valid & perlu tapi perlu di tahun sebelum covid. Pada era Covid ini, menyewa di kedai lot adalah satu perkara yang hanya meningkatkan expenses seller. Disebabkan itu, saya lebih mengwar-warkan kepada seller pakaian di luar sana untuk cuba meniaga di Shopee LIVE kerana ianya lebih selamat, dan mudah serta kurang kos belanja.
Caranya? Caranya senang sahaja wahai seller di luar sana.
1. Anda hanya perlu mendaftar account shopee shop anda, kemudian set-up kan anda punya business profile seperti gambar, bio dan benda yang melambangkan bisnes anda di shopee seller anda. boleh baca lebih di sini --->How-to-register-to-stream-on-Shopee-Live
2. kemudian, anda perlu apply untuk program FREE SHIPPING SHOPEE X JNT/POSLAJU/Others. Untuk cara apply program FREE SHIPPING di SHOPEE saya tidak akan sentuh di dalam posting ini kerana, sistem di shopee sering kali bertukar dan diupdate kepada syarat dan permohonan akan menjadi lebih mudah dari sehari ke sehari jadinya, untuk mendapatkan kepastian yang pasti anda boleh cuba godek ilmu berkaitan shopee for seller di dalam shopee sendiri di bahagian help centre.
3. Setelah anda sudah set-up kan acc shopee business anda. sudah apply free shipping program, kemudian anda boleh list kan senarai produk yang anda jual. sekiranya untuk shopee live, sila title kan product anda seperti "LIVE ONLY- Baju knitwear Gred AAA" contohnya. Perkataan LIVE ONLY itu sangat penting kerana buyer akan tahu bahawa jika hendak beli, kena join shopee LIVE anda terlebih dahulu dan booked semasa LIVE sahaja.
4. Set kan description dengan LIVE things. contohnya
Title: LIVE ONLY - Baju knitwear gred AAA
Size: Vary
Color: Vary
Price : set kan sesiap korang punya baju bundle tu sort mengikut harga, RM3 SAHAJA
Cara beli: Join shopee live, book semasa live sahaja. Setelah book, PM seller dan check out untuk bayar seperti biasa
5. Anda perlu tahu rules di dalam shopee LIVE
-LOCK : maksudnya anda booked baju tu
-SERIOUS BUYER ONLY : Sebab apa seller sellalu noted kan benda ni sebabnya, banyak JOY BUYER, Which is semasa lIVE kemain book banyak banyak, bila suruh checkout bayar, hilang sepi itu lah definisi JOY Buyer
-Perlu tahu sizing anda snediri, noted kan sesiap bahu berapa. Jangan tnya seller bahu 13inch sesuai tak baju size m ke apa ke. seller takde masa ya guys.
-CODE: number yang seller akan sebut semasa live untuk siapa cepat dia dapat. means kalau seller sebut "siapa nak baju ni lock code 10 means siapa yang tulis code 10 paling awal ikut phone seller akan dapat dekat orang tersebut" .
-FS : Free shipping, selalunya seller digalakkan memohon FS supaya dapat attract lebih banyak buyer sebabnya yang membeli ni baju bundle & mostly buyer suka berjimat. jadi bila ada seller yang jual murah & ada fs selalunya lebih menjadi tarikan.
-NO SHIP SS : yang ini depends seller ada yg offer shipping ke sabah dan sarawak dan ada tiada. selalunya tiada kerana kos untuk hantar ke sana varies mengikut berat dan jenis barang. seller selalunya ingin megelakkan risiko to bear to postage. Tambah pula kalau korang ada FS kalau buat offer 5helai free shipping. bayangkan baju 5 helai tu beratnya 1.5kg shopee punya peruntukan ada limit. kemudian anda kena bear the remaining balance. Tak ke merugikan gitu? Jadinya fikir masak masak sebelum offer ke SS.
Mungkin itu sahaja buat masa ini, saya pun dah lupa. dah lama tak buat LIVE selling. Oh ya, saya menjual pakaian bundle seperti knitwear, blouse & preloved items dan alhamdulillah within 3 months almost rm700 saya boleh dapat. Di shopee live pun dibolehkan menjual preloved item korang asalkan benda tu muhasabah dan masih berkualiti. jangan pula dijualnya baju yang koyak dengan alasan menipu pelanggan. Allah laknat itu kang.
Tips & Trick Meniaga di Shopee LIVE
1. Anda perlu tahu waktu berkesan meniaga di shopee LIVE. Antaranya Weekdays waktu lunch hour. dan malam bermula pukul 9 dan ke atas. Weekend seawal jam 10am-12pm. dan petang 3pm to 6pm.
2. Tajuk shopee LIVE anda perlu catching contohnya "FS knitwear RM3! RM3! RM3!" -- Perlunya letak FS kalau korg ada sebabnya senang buyer nampak live title korang dia trus masuk sebab tahu ada FS
3. Guna ring light semasa LIVE sebabnya lebih nampak & jelas warna baju dan details produk
4. Be friendly dgn customer jangan mengeluh jangan muka masam.
5. Connection kena power. jangan tersekat sekat selalu yang tersekat ni buyer tak berminat untuk join live korang
Okay mungkin itu sahaja untuk posting kali ini. Kalian boleh juga tengok youtube Cara buat Shopee LIVE untuk lebih kefahaman. Semoga bermanfaat buat kita dan para seller diluar sana yang mungkin kehilangan kerja & ingin mencari side income.
Hello and hi everybody. It's been a long while I didn't post anything here. As usual, I will only give full attention to my blog during my semester break. Today is the 3rd day of my semester break, and I'm going to share my itinerary to Pulau Redang in the last year, which is I went to Terengganu & visit Pulau Redang and Pulau Perhentian as well. For the Pulau Perhentian, you can just click HERE to directly go to my itinerary Pulau Perhentian.
It is a last-minute plan, which is me and my friends decided to have a trip to Terengganu to relax our mind & yeah this is our first trip together! At first, we decided to go to Pulau Perhentian only because we want to sleep there on the island and choose a full package price, but it is costly, around RM250 and above. The higher the price is, the more exciting thing & services given. But, during our 1/2 weeks before the day, we went there, I gave a suggestion to my friends that "Hey, why not we choose a day trip package instead of a full package?" "We gonna make it a two different trip as well." And after we argued here and there, we decided to choose the day trip instead.
We chose the day trip. After all, it is cheap because it doesn't cost us the accommodation price. Basically, a day trip is all about going there in the morning and going back in the afternoon. The price is quite reasonable & cheap with the activities offered. But, I would say it is a stupid decision to make a two different day trip in two consequences days because you can never imagine how floaty your body is gonna be & how tired you are after a whole first day of your day trip. We would say it is a wrong decision because we're just like a half-human and half duyung who needed to go back to the sea after a few hours sleep in the land, lol. But yeah, we make it!!! Oh yeah, talking about the itinerary, I gonna make it in a schedule form so that you can easily read. But first, I am going to share the package.
Instagram: @redang_island
Package Price
Adult: RM100 per pax
Children: RM80 per pax
Daytrip Pulau Redang
Package includes:
6 Checkpoint : Pusat Taman Laut, Teluk Dalam, Pulau Lima, Long Beach, Pasir Maldives & Pasir Akar
Bot pergi & balik
Life jacket & gogle
Tiket Taman Laut
Insurance perjalanan
Pack Lunch
This is where Jeti Penarik located. The funny thing is, we we turned around in the same place almost 10 times because we couldn't find Jeti Penarik.
5th August 2020
7:00am-8:30am : Bertolak from ke Jeti Penarik
9:00am: Bertolak ke Pulau Redang
10:00am : Tiba di Jeti Taman Laut Pulau Redang Snorkeling
11:00am : Bertolak dari Taman Laut ke Turtle Bay & Teluk Kawah
1:00pm : Tiba di Jeti Longbeach (Makan tengahari disediakan)
2:30pm : Bertolak dari Jeti Longbeach ke Pasir Maldives
3:00pm : Tiba di Pasir Akar melihat ikan warna warni
4:00pm : Bertolak pulang dari pulau redang ke Jeti Penarik
Overall Rating
Service tiptop, boatman & assistant friendly, funny & energetic. They tried to find and bring the turtles to us to see & gave them food to eat. We also have a chance to see a demo but a small baby Nemo because one of the boatmen there catch it and let us know before they let the Nemo go back to the sea. The Nemo is so cute & pretty! But it seems like finding Nemo, who is scared when he sees too many humans and when he realized that he was caught. Huhu. But obviously, catching a Nemo is ILLEGAL.
Post ini khas dan khusus kepada pelajar universiti sebab mostly pelajar universiti akan hadap masalah nak buat assignment. Bukan sebab mereka tak tahu, tapi mereka tak didedahkan dengan sebaiknya. untung waktu saya dahulu, masa foundation level, lecturer dah ajar serba sedikit. malah kalau diikutkan hampir setiap tahun/semester di universiti saya akan diadakan bengkel untuk format assignment yang berkualiti. malangnya tak ramai pelajar yang join. walhal benda ini lah yang crucial untuk student.
Firstly, saya akan share antara benda yang perlu ada untuk jadikan assignment korang tu berkualiti a as a standard pelajar degree, pelajar master, nampak gah sikit gitu. Alright. boleh refer list di bawah ya.
1. Font, Spacing, Size Font, Justify
2. Cover page
cover page akan ada certain lecturer yang suruh student guna cover page yang lecturer sendiri sediakan sebabnya maybe lecturer tu jenis perfectionist atau taknak serabutkan kepala tengok bermacam-macam jenis size font, and style cover page. even dalam kalangan kita sesama pelajar pon akan ada bermacam jenis cover page. ada yang jenis suka font besar besar, logo universiti sebesar alam dan so on. Jadinya, seeloknya tanya lecturer, ada standard cover page atau tidak. kalau tiada seeloknya guna seperti ini (depends universiti) :
-Logo universiti (sederhana)
-tahun dan Semester terkini di universiti
-code subject & nama subject
-Nama pensyarah
-Nama ahli kumpulan & No matrik (susun ascendingly)
p/s: ini contoh assignment report saya. sebelah kiri ialah format yang diberikan oleh lecturer dan sebelah kanan standard digunakan oleh semua pelajar cuma ada perbezaan urutan @ spacing.
3. Table of content
Zaman sekolah dulu, kita banyak kena buat folio (dulu kan panggil folio hihi) zaman universiti kita panggil Report/Paper/Assignment (standard). kalau waktu sekolah dulu kita buat table of content ni sendiri manual. insert table tulis. Tapi, masuk universiti, better kita tunjuk advanced sikit. cara ni tak ramai student tahu, even degree student pon taktahu. Tapi amat perlu tahu sebab sangat menjimatkan masa dan mudah. Certain lecturer sangat particular about this. Jadi jom belajar. Boleh refer gambar di bawah ya.
4. References
First of all, Salam Alaik’ to my semester 2 for the past 6 months ago. Yes, of course here is just a conclusion of my journey in semester 2 since I don’t have time to post every day or even every week in blogger. I jumped into the conclusion of my semester 2 is, It’s quite challenging and yea, it’s terrible enough to make me feel crazy but I don’t expect that finally, I succeed to finish it.
The first day I came UUM to start my new semester is already worst. Because, I went alone, with very huge luggage, some additional tote bag and backpack. I was very Even when I arrived safely to my room. I don’t want to arrange my thing yet. I just let things there. It’s like, “Punya pasai engko lah baju. Esok nak gi kelas baru aku cari”. Hahaha. *But the truth is, I don’t remember that day. So just hadam okay my story.
The first week started. And I’m so lazy. I skipped some classes since I think, the lecturer will cancel the class since it’s the first week. But nah, I was wrong. Even the first class, already got attendance. And yes. It makes me feel worried for the upcoming week since some subject I already used the full quota to not coming to the class, But Alhamdulillah. Until the last day, there’s no problem with my attendance. Such a relief guys. *Always wondering, is it I akan kena bar sebab tak datang. Tapi tak lebih 5kali. Tapi mana tau kot tak ingat. Hahah. Seriously. I swear myself. No more such that habit!
My life just like usual, woke up Subuh, make breakfast, do yoga, took bath, get ready to the class, go to classes, having lunch, having dinner with huda, on night doing an assignment or watching dramas. All-day routine just like that. Boring! But, I also participated in some of events and activities. Such as, I went for ceramah ‘Kembali Bertuhan’ with PU Azraie if I’m not mistaken. Then, being a committee member for Penang Annual Dinner with Khai Bahar, Joining IftarJemaie with Penang Members, being committee members for UUM Hockey Championship, joining perbarisan for SUKUUM Fasa 1, being a seller for Banana Mas O’Pancake for Mas Heydey, Going for Silat Cekak Explorace Day, having a picnic with them, and also I went hangout since it’s compulsory for Fluffiers members for every sem.
For me, not too many programmes that I’ve joined compared to semester 1. But nah it’s okay, at least for semester 2, I have 2/3 times being in committee members of the programme. And yes, quite satisfied with my current merit total. It’s not about collecting merit total, it’s more about an experience in handling any events or programme, dealing with many people and organization, so it’s quite challenging and sometimes it makes me turned to be hulk.
Not to forget, having a problem in a relationship. Especially on my birthday is the worst. But nah, I don’t regret. Since I believed, this is my huge and wise decisions that I made. Dealing with people around me who wanted to know why what happened and everything is also miserable for me. But ya, time flies quickly until I have someone else in my life now, nothing much to expect but hopefully things work out this time. Quit doesn’t mean we’re wrong. It just defending yourself and to appreciate yourself. Never be scared to move on, Stop holding something that’s not worth or something that only hurt you or maybe something’s terrible. Stop looking at their good sides, Start thinking about yourself. It’s all about ourselves. No one can care like how we care on our self. So, just believe good things will come one day and never lose in faith. Tettttttt, end about that.
We moved to the most interesting part is the result. Yeah, at first I start my new semester with new hope, new spirit but ya things didn’t work out this time. Maybe next time, I still got a good result. It just me, who expect more and higher than what I achieved right now. But ya sokay since I know how hard programming is.
Having that subject in my sem2 make me cursing here and that especially when doing a lab test. I can’t move on and sitting for the programming paper was the scariest moment in sem2. I don’t know what am I learned for the past 2/3 months. And the question enough to make me want to surrender. I always said to myself and my friends, “This is the most terrible subject in this semester. I’m want to quit. I don’t care whatever grade I got. But, I also don’t want to repeat”
I ever experienced that feeling in semester 1 which is Calculus 1 since I got period pain and also fever in the final examinations week. And yeah, I got B. It same as this time, but so much worse. I got a B-. This subject dragged my pointer down. But it’s okay since I don’t target higher for this time. And alhamdulillah for the good result. I should’ve thanked everyone who’s there during my ups and downs. Always there giving me such good inspirations and motivations, who are there helping me out my bad day, Thank you so much evelibadi. I won’t be like this strong if you guys are not there with me.
As the conclusion of my journey, this semester can be the most semester I deal with many people and I stand alone doing my responsibilities, but then also the terrible semester, but also the sweetest semester since I got new boyfriend hahaha, But at the end, Still Alhamdulillah. It was a great semester.
Soooooo, it’s the end of this post! Do pray for my “kerajinan” to always update my blog even though there’s no one read. But who cares. Hahaha, who knows this post will blow up in the 3/4 years next. Hahahaha such a dreaming! Have a nice day guys.
Day: Micellar water- Cleanser-Toner-Hada Labo Premium Hydrating Cream-Sunscreen
I love it so much! It helps my skin from drying and it also helps my skin to look a bit brighter and no duller. As we know, hydrating is the key to everything!
Right now using the second jar and it’s about to finish soon. I’m wondering where can I get money to repurchase omg help me!!!
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